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Worms the Key to Anti-Aging?


Finding a way to slow or stop the aging process is often seen as the modern incarnation of the alchemical pursuit of the Philosopher’s Stone. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how it might be done, but there appears to be little concrete evidence that provides an evidence that all the noise amounts to anything. OROGOLD and other skin care companies do our best to offer products to help decrease the signs of aging and otherwise highlight practices to increase your skin’s health. These aren’t the solutions that everyone wants though. People want science to find some fountain of youth tucked aware in medical obscurity. As it turns out, they have recently run into an interesting quirk in aging when working with nematodes.

The Research
The scientists involved in the study were exposing nematodes, a type of roundworm, to the drug mianserin. This had been done before and it was what motivated the research in the first place. Exposure to the antidepressant seemed to extend the lives of the nematodes, but the researchers weren’t entirely clear on why or if there was a particular window in which the effect was more pronounced. The original study noted that continued exposure to the drug led to a change in gene expression over the lives of the worms that seemed to lead to them expressing fewer age-related traits. This newer research refined the earlier study by tracking the time of exposure and comparing results. The scientists found that exposing young adult nematodes to the mianserin preparation lived up to 40% longer than other groups. Mianserin appears to have extended the young adulthood, but once that ended they appeared to age at a comparatively normal rate.

What Do We Make Of This?
As far as research goes, this study is interesting, but not necessarily the beginning of a solution to aging. The researchers themselves caution against excitement given the vast differences between the physiology of a nematode and a human being. They intended to move forward with trials using mice to get a clearer picture of the potential effects on mammals in the near future. One of the obvious things they’re concerned with are the potential side-effects from a constant dosage of an anti-depressant. Mood regulating drugs are useful for more than just a single mental illness, but frequently have side-effects that need management when people are taking them. Depending on the dosage requirements for mammals, this issue could be magnified. OROGOLD would also like to stress that the anti-aging effects were most pronounced and effective when the dosage of mianserin began in young adulthood.

Hope for the Future
It always seems discouraging when people play up a potential avenue of research as a “cure” for aging when the research remains relatively new. The researchers involved in this study are interested in seeing if the effects carry over, but aren’t expecting a miracle. We would do well to follow their example. Ultimately, this research may be incapable of directly benefiting humans. This doesn’t mean that it won’t help us in some fashion though. Finding substances that affect the aging in other animals gives us a look into how the complex biological effects of aging work. It helps to isolate individual factors that can be studied in us to find out what is the same and what is different. Science is about finding and putting together the pieces and even this research will contribute to that with time.

The belief in a fountain of youth has driven people to strange and adventurous lengths for years. It remains hidden away in the remote corners of medicine and genetics awaiting discovery. Don’t despair for it. All it takes is a little know-how and help from companies like OROGOLD and you can continue to look your best over the years. It isn’t a cure, but it will help you feel good about yourself.

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