Monthly Archives: December 2016

Getting on Top of “Super Acne”
young beautiful woman looking into mirror Acne never stops being a pain for some of us. While it tends to be most intense in our teenage years, hormonal shifts throughout life can cause a return of breakouts as can other situations. It never stops being just as embarrassing either....
Hyaluronic Acid and Your Skin
woman with good skin looking at herself in the mirror Your skin is a complex organ made of multiple layers with various components constantly playing off of one another to maintain its health. Many of us are now aware of one or two vital components, typically collagen and elastin,...
SPF Improves Pigmentation
woman applying sunscreen in beach Sun exposure has various negative effects on the skin over time if you aren't protecting your skin. The UV rays degrade the collagen in the skin at the same time they are causing sunburn. This is both uncomfortable and can lead to lasting...