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Menopause and Skin Aging
Woman going through menopause Our skin changes a lot over our lives. When we're infants, our skin is as soft as possible thanks to an abundance of moisture and our skin being at its best for repairing itself. As we age, the moisture content of the skin decreases as well...
Amino Acids & Rejuvenation
Arginine formula Your health is governed by the complex interplay of the chemicals in your body and the chemicals, food and other substances, that you put into it. Most of us don't pause to think about how much of our lives are governed by simple chemical reactions. The hint...
Sun Damage and Aging
Woman in a beach Sun damage is something that those of us keen on protecting our skin try to avoid. WE have various techniques for doing this. Sunscreen is common, but we can also find clothing to further reduce exposure. Some of us even decide that just avoiding...