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OROGOLD Examines: What is The Spirit of Christmas? – ORO GOLD Reviews

The Christmas spirit is something many people seem to know about, but most have never really analyzed. When faced with the question, “What is the Christmas spirit?” one might need to ponder for a few moments and think that one through. OROGOLD has done some research of our own, and would like to explore a couple different theories on what Christmas Spirit means to many individuals. Being that it is based on a Christian belief, the first group of opinions on what the Christmas spirit is will be based off of that.

From a Christian Perspective
For many, the celebration of Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth. During this time, people gather together in churches to sing hymns of joy, pray, worship Jesus Christ and his birth, and praise the one they call God. In Christian beliefs, there is only one true God and He is the reason for the season, as they believe. For many Christians, the belief that Jesus Christ was born around the time period of December 25th is reason enough to celebrate. Christians get into the Christmas spirit by living and preserving their Christian beliefs, as well as spending time with family and the ones they love, giving presents to represent the giving of presents to Christ at his birth. This is considered one of the holiest days worldwide for Christian denominations. To Christians, the Christmas spirit is the birth of Christ, worship, joy, peace, giving, and showing love to those they hold dear.

For the Non-Religious or Agnostic
For those who don’t participate in religious practices, or are believers who don’t quite want to celebrate the holiday from a traditional Christian standpoint, the spirit of Christmas is more focused around family, friends, and fun. It’s a time for people to come together, have dinner, perhaps some drinks, exchange gifts, and feel peace and happiness. There isn’t much difference between the way the non-religious and religious folks celebrate, minus the religious perspective. They might gather around a TV and watch Christmas movies, and partake in many different activities. The Christmas spirit for the non-religious seems to focus around fun, family, food, giving, and joy.

For Everyone Else – Including Atheists
Those of different religions or perhaps no belief system at all tend to either not celebrate Christmas, or celebrate in their own way. There are many different variations as to why this holiday isn’t celebrated by some, however the Christmas spirit can still have an effect on those who have no religious affiliation. For instance; most people just have the ability to feel excitement, joy, peace, happiness, love and the will to give to those they love in general anyways. It seems to be magnified around this time of year for all, including those who are non-religious or of various religions. Many religions are forbidden from celebrating Christmas and therefore don’t participate in the holiday at all.

No matter what religious preference you are (or aren’t), most people seem to find the joy of Christmas and the happiness the season brings, the act of giving, the excitement of shopping, the time spent with family and the love that surrounds us all to be the Spirit of Christmas.

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