Am I Allergic to Vegas?

Woman allergic to ragweed

There’s a distinct allure to desert areas. The heat is enough to ward the snow off. There’s a promise of glorious sunsets stretching over an endless horizon. Some people even attempt to seek relief from allergies by moving to the desert. After all, it isn’t like much could be around that produces pollen in a desert environment, right? The sad news for anyone planning a trip to Las Vegas or another desert area is that there is still plenty of pollen in the desert. You really can’t escape pollen by going anywhere particularly warm thanks to succulents and others plants continuing to survive and thrive in the desert. It may leave you wondering whether your trip to Vegas is a good idea or not. After all, it feels a bit hard to enjoy yourself if you’re spending half the time in a suite trying not to cough your lungs up. We’ve put together a quick look at the most common allergens in the Las Vegas area so you can have a rough idea of whether you’re allergic to Vegas or not.

Unfortunately, ragweed isn’t just a problem for green, rolling hills. The tenacious plant is found all over and its desert cousins remain quite happy in the Vegas area. The concentration is rather high and tends to cause noticeable reactions a fair amount of the year. Las Vegas has the dubious reputation of being one of the worst cities in the continental United States to go if you happen to have a ragweed allergy. You should be prepared if you’re planning a trip to Vegas and have this particular allergy. It is going to be hard to avoid stepping outside, but you can take steps to minimize the potential effects. Try talking to an allergist or your doctor for additional tips on preemptive symptom management for ragweed allergies. This may be the best way to ensure your time in Vegas is somewhat pleasant.

White Mulberry Tree
This tree is actually a particular annoyance to locals in the Las Vegas region. It was planted frequently as a form of ornamentation, but they didn’t have a clear idea of precisely how well it would take to the area. White Mulberry trees have become a bane to the region to the point its status varies depending on where you go. Vegas itself prohibits any further plantings of the tree to try and stay ahead of the plant. It isn’t going particularly well for the region thanks to the White Mulberry’s comparatively quick growth and the ease with which is spreads. Those having tree allergies should heavily consider if they really want to go to Vegas due to this problem. It is difficult to say how concentrated White Mulberry pollen is in the air, but older plantings do continue to exist and permeate the air in and around Vegas.

Ornamental Allergies
The biggest problems Vegas ultimately suffers is that people attempted to bring “home” with them when they moved out into the desert. Properties around the city play host to plenty of plants that are used for decoration in other environments. This includes plants of all sizes, grasses, and various trees. Desert cities tend to be a bit eclectic on top of all of this. The end result is that the air in Vegas is saturated with countless types of pollen from around the United States itself and the world. It makes going to Vegas a difficult proposition at best for anyone with intense allergies. The best thing you can do if you’re allergic to any plants is to prepare for at least some sniffles when you’re going to Vegas. It is very likely that people’s desires for beauty from wherever home was will prove to be an annoyance while you’re traveling in the area.

A trip to Las Vegas can be a gamble in a lot of enjoyable ways. The problem is that it isn’t actually a gamble when it comes to allergies. As one of the worst cities in the US for allergies, anyone suffering from plant allergies is highly likely to encounter something that will trigger a reaction. The best you can do is plan ahead. Planning ahead will let you maintain your beauty despite sniffles and red eyes as you’ll have the means of dealing with the problem already on hand and ready for use.

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