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Self Care or Self Repair?


There’s always one person in the audience of a movie that nitpicks how no one looks actually hurt after a disaster scene or an attack. And chances are if you’re watching a movie with friends it is that one friend who knows a lot, but doesn’t necessarily understand that a movie means suspending disbelief for a while. OROGOLD would like to offer another solution for the next time someone complains about no one looking injured after an attack or healing surprisingly fast over a jump cut. Maybe the characters have access to futuristic healing technology. A recent study in a prestigious science journal seems to point towards this being more and more fact than fiction by the day.

Self Care
We all do our best to take care of our skin as we grow and age. Everything changes with time, but most people generally learn the rules they need to know for taking care of themselves. Maybe their T-zone needs special attention due to it being oily, but they somehow got their mother’s dry cheeks. Then they know they can’t really stand particularly spicy food because of a family history with it. All of these are how everyone learns how to properly take care of themselves. It is simply learning about yourself and your body over time. It is something anyone can do and even a more drastic injury like a broken bone just means learning a new set of rules for a little while.

Self Repair
However, the new study posits an innovative use of ultrasound that moves beyond simple care, and moves into a realm of science fiction. The team of scientists utilized ultrasound to stimulate skin and tissue around chronic wounds or tissue damage caused by aging and diabetes in mice. In both humans and mice, these types of damage are hard to treat due to it being difficult for an older or diabetic body to turn on the healing mechanisms of the body. However, the ultrasonic stimulation actually helped motivate the bodies of the mice to try to heal these wounds and reduced the healing time for the tissue damage. The scientists reported around a 30% decrease in the amount of time necessary for healing from the wounds.

The Importance of TrialsĀ 
OROGOLD understands that this might not seem immediately relevant, but the scientists hope to start human trials of the technology in the near future. This will allow them to refine the technology and opens up a potentially bright future for anyone who deals with chronic skin damage or otherwise needs to recover from a larger wound they take. At least one of the scientists speculates that it could open to way to scar-free healing in the long run. For anyone who takes pride in caring for their appearance, the potential for such healing represents a leap forward in medicine where too often taking care of yourself sometimes meant having a scar in an inconvenient place. While you can reduce their visibility now, try to imagine a future where they simply vanish.

Medicine will continue to advance and anything that starts simple and focused has the potential to expand over time. Technologies are improved upon and maybe this possible breakthrough can lead to removing scars and helping those who have a medical condition that makes skin care more difficult than it needs to be. This research should be viewed with a cautious optimism, but until the future has arrived you can be sure that OROGOLD will do its best to keep helping you with your skin care.

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