Signs of Gluten Intolerance

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Gluten sensitivity is a health issue that strikes a relatively small amount of people in the world. The primary form this takes is celiac disease. It makes it hard for the body to properly process gluten properly and can generate a number of symptoms that can make life unpleasant. There are a few other potential culprits for gluten intolerance as well. The only thing they share is the inability to process particular proteins in wheat and related grains. Going “gluten-free” is a popular trend right in health and beauty with a lot of proclaimed benefits. These are, in a word, lies. People have taken advantage of unclear information to spin it into a market. People without a gluten intolerance should be eating gluten as part of a healthy diet. We do not suffer from intolerance en masse as some people suggest. Let’s look at the actual signs of gluten intolerance so that you know what you’re actually looking for instead of being left with misinformation.
Weight Loss
An important point to note that many people skip over when it comes to gluten intolerance is that is can frequently cause weight loss. Gluten sensitivity makes one’s intestines become inflamed. This results in a variety of symptoms, but internally the results of chronic inflammation are damage to that area of the body. Damaged intestines have their function impaired and this leads to increasingly poor health as your intestines fail to absorb all the nutrients that your body needs. Undetected gluten intolerance can lead to a dangerous loss of weight if it flares up later in one’s life. The inflammation will persist until a gluten-free diet is adopted that gives the body time to repair the damage and inflammation to the intestines. Sadly, sometimes there is no way to fully repair all the damage and part of the thing sufferers of gluten sensitivity will need to do is learn how to adjust to this new fact of life.
Pain and Bloating
That inflammation we just discussed echoes throughout your digestive track .In particular it can quickly lead to immediate and obvious discomfort. Abdominal pain is among the most common result of gluten intolerance. It manifests quite early before permanent damage can be done to the intestines. The inability to process gluten can also lead to bloating within the body. A buildup of gas within your body is also going to lead to a number of negatives that compound the pain and discomfort of gluten intolerance. Frequently, these two symptoms will occur alongside one another and be overall difficult to distinguish. It is possible though and the more symptoms that turn up increase the likelihood that a person is, in fact, suffering from a gluten intolerance. It should be noted though that other issues can cause these symptoms as well. Pain and bloating are quite high on the list of common issues associated with digestive track problems.
As unpleasant is it is to discuss, diarrhea is another frequent symptom of gluten intolerance. The problem can happen for a number of reasons, but it is inflammation when it is a symptom of gluten intolerance. Your intestines need to be not be inflamed to properly process foods. A lack of appropriate nutrients is one of the longer term risks, yes, but the inflammation can also mean your bowels will attempt to simply expel all food as quickly as possible. This is to help minimize discomfort and inflammation. It makes sense if someone with gluten sensitivity is eating more gluten, but unfortunately you body is unable to provide an easy distinction for such a food until it reaches your intestines. Diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant aspects of the conditions and can actually lead to broader health issues as well from dehydration and further issues absorbing appropriate nutrients from food.
Gluten intolerance can be due to several potential conditions. It should not be treated as a faddish disease with vague symptoms attached to it. You need to have specific tests done by your doctor, before ceasing to eat gluten, to confirm intolerance. The current trends to eat “gluten-free” are highly irresponsible and have made the term a marketing buzzword. This means things get labeled gluten free that actually aren’t. It only serves to make life harder on people with an actual gluten intolerance. So make sure to consult your doctor if you think you may be gluten intolerant. Don’t diagnose yourself.