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Does Sunscreen Reduce Male Fertility?
Man applying sunscreen Sunscreen is most people's constant companion in the sun. It is a necessary part of skincare and beauty if you want to avoid photo-aging and decrease your risk of skin cancer. Most professional organizations regard sunscreen as harmless. They suggest that everyone wear at least SPF...
Types of Sunscreen
Woman applying sunscreen Most of us are aware of the important role that sunscreen plays in skincare. It helps to protect your skin from UV rays while moisturizing the skin lightly. This helps prevent your skin from aging as quickly by reducing the amount of damage the sun can...
City Dwellers Live Longer
Woman in the city Trying to be healthy is as much about the quality of life as it is about the quantity for most people. We just want to live longer so that we can see more and see those we care about grow and succeed. This involves continually evaluating...